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Minecraft - 1.18.10 (Bedrock)

Updated Add-On Template Packs

  • Updated Add-On templates for 1.18.10 with new resources, behaviors, and documentation, are available to download at

Performance / Stability Fixes

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when setting the width or height of a mob's hitbox to a negative value
  • Fixed an issue where ticking areas would occasionally skip a tick
  • Fixed a bug that caused performance drops when using the '/tag' command (MCPE-139609)
  • The Content Log History panel is now accessible from the second player in split-screen without crashing the game
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when an animation controller referenced itself as one of its "animations"
  • The game no longer crashes when nesting schedule commands in functions (MCPE-144730)
  • Added log messages to help identify the cause of the BDS crash (BDS-12751)
  • Improved performance of RandomStrollGoal
  • Reduced memory and load times for ticking areas


  • Android’s target API has been updated to API 30 for Google Play Store
  • Reapplied changes to use "allowlist" instead of "whitelist" (BDS-14119)


  • Added '/loot' command - Drops the given loot table into the world
  • Added a new '/damage' command to allow players to deal damage to entities
  • Placing Cocoa Beans with '/setblock' or '/fill' commands no longer results in an error
  • The '/spreadplayers' command no longer hangs when given a high spread range (MCPE-137793)
  • Order of function calls triggered by '/execute' inside a function are now consistent (MCPE-111849)
  • The '/effect' command no longer has the redundant argument 'empty' (MCPE-62903)
  • Fixed a bug that caused the '/kill' command to not kill entities with the Absorption effect (MCPE-142763)

Data-Driven Blocks

  • Added support for blocks having the same name, as long as they belong to different namespaces
  • Updated documentation for several components:
    • BlockExplosionResistance
    • BlockFrictionComponent
    • BlockMaterialInstances
    • BlockBreathabilityComponent
    • CraftingTableComponent
    • BlockLightFilterComponent
  • Changed BlockLightDescription JSON name from "minecraft:block_light_absorption" to "Minecraft:block_light_filter" and field name from "block_light_absorption" to "block_light_filter"

Data-Driven Entities

  • The random chance for a wild adult Ocelot to spawn with two children is now handled by components added in the entity JSON definition
  • Fixed many missing "Description" entries in the documentation
  • Added AI Goals documentation for "behavior.move_to_liquid" and "behavior.move_to_block"
  • Added AI Goals documentation for missing parameters of "behavior.tempt", "behavior.rise_to_liquid_level", and "behavior.random_fly"
  • Added Components documentation for missing parameters of "movement.sway"
  • Fixed some typos and inconsistencies in the Entities documentation

Data-Driven Items

  • Added nine new shapeless recipe JSON files, replacing hard-coded Smithing Table crafting recipes
  • Updated documentation for BlockCollisionComponentDescription
  • Changed BlockCollisionComponentDescription JSON name from "entity_collision" to "block_collision"
  • Updated documentation for FuelItemComponent
  • Renamed DamageableItemComponent to DurabilityItemComponent
  • Updated documentation for BlockRaycastComponent
  • Updated documentation for FoodItemComponent
  • Changed SaturationModifier in FoodItemComponent to take a float instead of a string
  • Fixed custom food behaviours not being replicated to guest clients


  • The "controlling_seat" field on "minecraft:rideable" now works as intended for both Boats and Horses
  • Mobs riding other mobs and pathing towards a target will no longer wiggle back and forth along their path
  • Match tool conditions now work on mobs (Experimental)
  • JumpToBlockGoal can no longer be used when the mob is in water
  • JumpToBlockGoal now correctly searches the same distance upwards and downwards when looking for jumpblockcandidates, allowing a mobs that use the goal to jump equally high as low
  • Fixed an issue where animation controller events defined in the default state would get skipped if the controller immediately transitioned to another state (This is a versioned change that will only be applied for animation controllers starting at format_version 1.18.10)


  • Fixed an issue where animation events, sound effect events, and particle events would not trigger if the event time specified was equal to the total "animation_length"
  • Fixed an issue where event times were not considered within the animation length calculation that happens when "animation_length" is not explicitly specified


  • Fixed arrow operator to return 0 if the left side is not a valid entity or item, rather than causing the entire expression to return 0
    • For example, if bis not valid variable.a = variable.b->variable.c will now assign 0 to variable.a
    • This is not a Molang Versioned Changebecause no known content is currently using the arrow operator
  • Add non-experimental is_name_any, is_item_name_any, and is_owner_identifier_any queries
  • Fixed relative_block_has_all_tags block_neighbor_has_all_tags and biome_has_all_tags queries to require all tags rather than just any tags
  • Fixed nested conditional (ternary) operator parsing to go right-to-left instead of left-to-right
    • This is a Molang Versioned Change that only takes effect for Molang expressions in packs that use a min_engine_version of 1.18.10 or higher
    • Previously nested conditional expressions like 'A?B:C?D:E'would evaluate as ' (A?B:C)?D:E', now they evaluate as 'A?B:(C?D:E'
  • Access of missing public variables on other entities will return 0.0 and not cause an error
  • Fix loading of public variables containing capital letters to not cause an error
  • Added "slot.equippable" added as a slot option for WearableItemComponent and Molang
  • Added alland query.any to check if a value matches all or any of the following values
  • Added in_rangeto check if a value is in the (inclusive) range between a min and max value

Block Components (Experimental)

  • Fixed BlockPartVisibilityComponent for multiplayer by adding network save/load tags (MCPE-141908)

GameTest Framework (Experimental)

There are some important breaking changes in APIs creators should be aware of:

  • Renamed mojang-minecraft:Worldobject to mojang-minecraft:world 
    • In practice, this means “World.getDimension” code should now read “world.getDimension”
  • Removed mojang-minecraft:Commands- Instead, we are adding runCommand methods on dimension, entity, and player
    • In practice, this means that ““say Hello World”, dimension)” should now read “dimension.runCommand(“say Hello World”)”

Other major API adds and updates:

mojang-minecraft module


  • Replaced function getPlayers() : Player[] with function getPlayers(options: EntityQueryOptions = undefined) : EntityIterator- Returns an iterator to a collection containing all players in the dimension. Optionally, options can be used to filter the result

  • Added blockBreak and blockPlace events, which are called when a player breaks or places a block in the world
  • Added optional argument to events.addEffect. This argument will limit the callback to only fire for specific entities (see EntityEventOptions)
  • Item use events:
    • Added event events.beforeItemUse - Fires before an item is used. Can be canceled

    • Added event events.itemUse - Fires when an item is used and the before event is not cancelled

    • Added event events.beforeItemUseOn - Fires before an item is used on a block. Can be cancelled

    • Added event events.itemUseOn - Fires when an item is used on a block and the before event is not cancelled

  • Note that the following definition events only function with data driven items created as part of the Holiday Creator Features experiment:
    • Added event events.beforeItemDefinitionEvent - Fires before an Item definition event is processed. Can be canceled
    • Added event events.itemDefinitionEvent - Fires when the Item definition event is processed and the before event is not canceled
    • Added method triggerEvent(eventName : String) - Triggers an event on the ItemStack if an event with the given eventName, as defined in the Items JSON file


  • Added property brokenBlockPermutationto indicate which kind of block was broken

Entity (note that derived types Player and mojang-gametest:SimulatedPlayer also added these APIs as well)

  • Added runCommandmethod to run a command as an entity
  • Added dimensionproperty to get the dimension the entity is in
  • Added function addTag(tag: string): bool- Adds a tag to this entity. Returns true if the tag does not already exist
  • Added function hasTag(tag: string): bool- Returns true if the tag exists on this entity
  • Added function removeTag(tag: string): bool- Removes a tag from this entity. Returns true if the tag was removed
  • Added function getTags(): string[] - Returns all tags on this entity
  • Added target property to Entity. targetrepresents the Entity that this Entity is currently targeting, for purposes such as AI targeting
  • Added function getEntitiesFromViewVector(options: EntityRaycastOptions): Entity[] - Gets all entities that intersects the ray from the entities view vector
  • Added function getBlockFromViewVector(options: BlockRaycastOptions): Block – Gets the first block that intersects the ray from the entities view vector
  • Added function setVelocity(velocity: Vector): bool- Sets the velocity of this entity
  • Added property viewVector: Vector- Represents the direction that the entity is looking, as a vector
  • Added property headLocation: Location- Represents the location of the head of the entity
  • Added property bodyRotation: number- Represents the body rotation of the entity as a float (in degrees)
  • Added function teleport(location: Location, dimension: Dimension, xRotation (optional): float, yRotation (optional): float)
  • Added function teleportFacing(location: Location, dimension: Dimension, facingLocation: Location)


  • Added method startItemCooldown(itemCategory : string, durationTicks : int) - Starts or resets a cooldown on an item category (e.g., ender_pearl) for the given duration in ticks
  • Added method getItemCooldown(itemCategory : string) - Returns the remaining duration in ticks that this player has of the given item category. If no cooldown is present, returns 0


  • Added ItemCooldownComponent (item.getComponent("minecraft:cooldown"))
  • Read-only property cooldownCategory : string - Represents the cooldown category of this item.
  • Read-only property cooldownTicks : int - Represents the cooldown time in ticks for this item if cooldown is enabled
  • method startCooldown(player : Player) - Starts or resets a cooldown for this item on the given player if cooldown is enabled for this item


  • Removed getName method and added read-only property .id


  • Added runCommandmethod to run a command in a dimension
  • Added function getEntitiesFromRay(pos: Location, direction: Location, options: EntityRaycastOptions): Entity[]- Gets all entities that intersects the ray starting at a location which extends in direction
  • Added function getBlockFromRay(pos: Location, direction: Location, options: BlockRaycastOptions) : Block - Gets the first block that intersects the ray starting at a location which extends in direction
  • Added function getPlayers(options: EntityQueryOptions = undefined) : EntityIterator- Returns an iterator to a collection containing all players. Optionally, options can be used to filter the result
  • Added function getEntities(options: EntityQueryOptions = undefined) : EntityIterator- Returns an iterator to a collection containing all entities in the dimension. Optionally, options can be used to filter the result
  • Updated spawnEntityto take a Location or a BlockLocation


  • Added class EntityQueryOptions- Provides additional filtering options when calling getEntities and getPlayers


  • Added class EntityQueryScoreOptions- Used with EntityQueryOptions to provide scoreboard filtering


  • Used to filter events that fire on entities to restrict the callback to only certain ones.
  • Property entity: Entity[] - If specified, will restrict to just this entity
  • Property entityTypes: string[] - If specified, will restrict to entities with the specified type (e.g., minecraft:creeper)


  • Renamed destroyedBlock to block

mojang-gametest module

  • Added registerAsync method to register and properly track the state of GameTests using async functions


  • Added getDimensionto get the dimension in which the test is being ran
  • Added gameMode: GameModeparameter to spawnSimulatedPlayer method


  • Added function giveItem(itemStack: ItemStack, selectSlot: boolean)
  • Added function setItem(itemStack:ItemStack, slot: number, selectSlot: boolean)
  • Renamed destroyBlockto breakBlock
  • Renamed stopDestroyingBlockto stopBreakingBlock
  • Removed selectSlot method
  • Added property selectedSlot: int - Gets or sets the currently selected hotbar slot for the player