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Minecraft - 1.18.30 (Bedrock)

Updated Add-On Template Packs

  • Updated Add-On templates for 1.18.30 with new resources, behaviors, and documentation, are available to download at


  • With the release of RenderDragon for Android, iOS, Nintendo Switch, and Win10 UWP x86, HAL will no longer be available on these platforms. We know the community has found ways to build shaders on top of HAL and with this change, these shaders will no longer function. We understand that this is a valuable feature for players and the creator community, and we are working on how we may be able to deliver this sort of creative capability to players and creators in an officially supported way. While we have nothing to share right now, look out for more details in the future.

Additional Modding Capabilities Experiment/JavaScript APIs

  • Important! In this release, we are removing the Additional Modding Capabilities experiment. This experiment contained experimental JavaScript APIs launched in 2018 – and with this removal, JavaScript within worlds associated with this API will no longer function. GameTest Framework – a separate JavaScript API – should not be impacted, nor should behavior pack/resource pack type add-ons more broadly.
  • You can read more about this via this article.


  • A world with "StorageVersion" 8 or lower will be increased to 9 and have its "RandomSeed" upgraded from using only the lower 32 bits of a 64-bit number to using the full 64-bit range while still representing the same number. This is only relevant for negative 32-bit seeds, which need a sign bit extension
  • The world loading screen now shows progress when loading ticking areas marked for preload
  • Experimental: Volume definitions are now stored and read from Behavior Packs instead of being part of the level directory
  • Experimental: Added an optional "mob_amount" parameter to the Damage Event Response that specifies a unique damage amount when used by mobs
  • Due to engine limitations, "minecraft:geometry" data used for blocks with the Holiday Creator Features experimental toggle are now restricted to only allow geometry in the [0,0,0] to [15,15,15] space. Any blocks loaded from Behavior Packs that exceed this limit will render as the info_update block and show a content error in the log
  • The Interact component now has two new fields, GiveItem and TakeItem, specifying if it is possible to give/take items from an entities main hand slot. Taking the item also drops the inventory of the mob
  • Removed _preventsjumping_component from data-driven blocks
  • Removed BlockImmovable, BlockBreakOnPush, and BlockOnlyPistonPush components from data-driven blocks
  • Limited the number of elements in the _crafting_tags_field of CraftingTableComponent to 64


  • Biome-specific fog settings can once again be defined
  • Fixed actor definition identifiers not being recognized if the item or block name contains "."
  • Mobs that are riding a boat, for example, can no longer use JumpToBlockGoal (MCPE-150750)
  • Custom mobs with a format version lower than 1.18.20 and using the _minecraft:behavior.knockback_roar_component will parse like before if it contains an extra field that the engine didn't expect
  • Fixed an issue in the Knockback goal where the incorrect owner was being passed into the filter evaluate function
  • Weapon events are now correctly applied when the weapons are used by mobs (MCPE-118692)
  • JumpToBlock behavior is now correctly affected by JumpBoost mob effect (MCPE-137432)
  • Fixed a case where experimental BlockCollisionComponents did not allow partial specification
  • Rotation when riding a mob that has a locked rotation will no longer unexpectedly snap to one side when that mob is rotating


  • Fixed an issue that would cause commands to affect players in all dimensions (MCPE-152218)
  • Added the "hasitem" filter for target selector of entities. This allows the player to target entities based on the items that have in their inventory or are wearing
  • Added '/tickingarea' command preload overload
  • The '/tickingarea' command no longer modifies areas from entities with the tick_world component
  • Entities must now be loaded for an area to be considered fully loaded and ticking
  • Added a new '/volumearea ' command to create, remove, and list volumes in the world
  • Using '/playanimation' command now properly plays animations on the paper doll and inventory character (MCPE-137353)
  • Correct error output is now displayed when attempting to use the '/loot' spawn command when passing in the position of an unloaded area and there is 0 loot to drop
  • Added '/loot ' command insert loot and insert kill overload

AI Goals

  • Exposed new data parameter "calculate_new_path_radius" for GoHomeGoal. This is for specifying a distance in blocks that the mob is considered close enough to the end of the current path. A new path will then be calculated to continue toward home
  • Added Knockback Height Cap value to KnockbackRoarGoal


  • JSON format for events sent from websocket server and Code Builder APIs updated to hierarchical JSON format instead of flat format
  • Less useful properties removed with block and item IDs moved to newer name-based format instead of numerical format
  • Agent-based commands in websockets moved to new "action:agent" format, and all commands are now queued and include unique ids to correlate responses
  • Any future breaking changes to websocket and Code Builder APIs will now result in the "protocolVersion" being incremented


  • Molang expressions inside animation scripts for actor resource definition (pre_animation and initialize) that contain capital letters are properly evaluated now with format_version 1.18.20 or higher
  • Clarified documentation for query.is_item_name_any that the slot index is required when there is more than one slot, i.e. the hotbar
  • Fixed Logical AND to evaluate before Logical OR, and for comparison operators to evaluate before equality operators
    • This is a Molang Versioned Change that only takes effect for Molang expressions in packs that use a min_engine_version of 1.18.20 or higher
    • For example, _A && B || C_now evaluates as (A && B) || C and A < B == C > D now evaluates as (A < B) == (C > D)

GameTest Framework (Experimental)

New Module! We added a mojang-minecraft-ui module with API structures for creating simple dialog boxes:

  • Added ActionFormData/ModalFormData/MessageFormData types in the mojang-minecraft-ui namespace. Documentation is available on the Minecraft Creator documentation site.
  • Removed 'Minecraft' and 'GameTest' imports; please use 'mojang-minecraft' and 'mojang-gametest'

mojang-minecraft module updates:

  • World
    • Changed return type of function getPlayers__to PlayerIterator

    • Added function playSound(soundName: String, soundOptions: SoundOptions): void- plays a sound specified by the sound name, at a location, pitch, or volume as optionally specified in the SoundOptions argument

    • Added queueMusic(trackName : string, musicOptions : MusicOptions)

    • Added playMusic(trackName : string, musicOptions : MusicOptions)

    • Added stopMusic()

    • Added MusicOptions JS class with volume_,_ fadeSeconds and loop properties

  • Dimension
    • Added _id_property

    • Added _MinecraftDimensionTypes_with constants for built-in dimension IDs

    • Added _spawnItem_to spawn an ItemStack in the dimension

  • Player
    • Added function playSound(soundID : String, soundOptions : SoundOptions) - Plays a sound for a player, cannot be heard by entities other than that specific player

  • Events
    • Updated property _direction_to blockFace in and

    • Added event beforeDataDrivenEntityTriggerEvent - Fires before the data driven trigger is applied

    • Added event dataDrivenEntityTriggerEvent - Fires after the data driven trigger is applied

    • Added event entityHit(entityHitEvent: EntityHitEvent, options?: EntityEventOptions) - Fires when an entity or block is hit by another entity

    • Added event entityHurt(entityHurtEvent: EntityHurtEvent, options?: EntityEventOptions)- Fires when an entity takes damage

    • Added event leverActivate - fires when a lever is toggled

    • BlockExplodeEvent - Removed property destroyedBlockPermutation

  • DefinitionModifier - Added
    • read only property componentGroupsToAdd_: string[]_ - List of component groups that will be added as part of this modifier

    • read only property componentGroupsToRemove_: string[]_ - List of component groups that will be removed as part of this modifier

    • property triggers_: Trigger[]_ - List of triggers that will fire as part of this modifier

  • Trigger - Added
    • property eventName_: string_ - Event name of the trigger

  • DataDrivenEntityTriggerEvent - Added
    • read only property entity_: Entity_ - Entity that the event triggered on

    • read only property id_: string_ - name of the event

  • BeforeDataDrivenEntityTriggerEvent - Added
    • read only property entity_: Entity_ - Entity that the event triggered on

    • read only property id_: string_ - name of the event

    • property modifiers_: DefinitionModifier[]_ - List of modifiers that will be applied when the event triggers

    • property cancel_: bool_ - If true, the event will not be triggered

  • EntityDataDrivenTriggerEventOptions - Added and inherited from EntityEventOptions
    • property eventTypes_: string[]_ - If specified, will restrict to events with the specified name (i.e., minecraft:ageable_grow_up)

  • EntityType
    • Added read-only property id: string- The identifier for the entity type

  • EntityTypes
    • Added function get(identifier: string): EntityType- Returns the corresponding EntityType for the given identifier

    • Added function getAll(): EntityTypeIterator- Returns an iterator containing all registered entity types

  • MinecraftEntityTypes
    • Provides EntityType constants for each standard Minecraft entity type

  • EnchantmentType - Added
    • Read-only property i_d__: string_ - The name of the enchantment type

    • Read-only property maxLevel_: int_ - The maximum level this type of enchantment can have

  • EnchantentInstance - Added
    • Constructor EnchantmentInstance(type: EnchantmentType, level : int)

    • Read-only property type_: EnchantmentType_ - The enchantment type of this instance

    • Property level_: int_ - The level of this enchantment instance

  • EnchantmentSlot - Added
    • Represents the item slot or type that an enchantment can be applied to

  • EnchantmentList - Added
    • Represents a collection of enchantments that can be applied to an item

    • Constructor EnchantmentList(slot : EnchantSlot)

    • Read-only property slot_: EnchantSlot_ - The item slot/type that this collection is applied to

    • Read-only property allEnchantments_: EnchantmentInstance[]_ - All enchantments as part of this enchantment collection

    • Method canAddEnchantment(instance : EnchantmentInstance)__: bool - Returns whether or not the provided EnchantmentInstance can be added to this collection

    • Method addEnchantment(instance : EnchantmentInstance)__: bool - Attempts to add the enchantment to this collection. Returns true if successful

    • Method removeEnchantment(type : EnchantmentType)- Removes an EnchantmentInstance with type type from this collection if present

    • Method hasEnchantment(type : EnchantmentType)__: int - If this collection has an EnchantmentInstance with type type, returns the level of the enchantment. Returns 0 if not present

  • ItemStack
    • Added function setLore(loreList: string[]): void- Sets the lore text for the item

    • Added function getLore(): string[]- Gets the lore text for the item

    • Added _nameTag_property

  • ItemEnchantmentComponent - Added
    • Property enchantments_: EnchantmentList_ - Gets a copy of the current set of enchantments on this ItemStack. Or allows the user to set the EnchantmentList for the ItemStack

    • Method removeAllEnchantments- Removes any enchantments that might be present on this ItemStack

  • Vector - Added numerous new helper functions
    • Added function length(): number- Returns the length of this vector

    • Added function normalized(): Vector- Returns this as a normalized vector

    • Added static function distance(a:Vector, b:Vector): number- Returns distance between two vectors

    • Added static function lerp(a:Vector, b:Vector, t: number): Vector- Returns the linear interpolation between a and b using t as the control

    • Added static function slerp(a:Vector, b:Vector, s: number): Vector- Returns the spherical linear interpolation between a and b using s as the control

    • Added static function cross(a:Vector, b:Vector): Vector- Returns the cross product of these two vectors

    • Added static function add(a:Vector, b:Vector): Vector- Returns the addition of these vectors

    • Added static function subtract(a:Vector, b:Vector): Vector- Returns the subtraction of these vectors

    • Added static function multiply(a:Vector, b:Vector): Vector- Returns the component-wise product of these vectors

    • Added static function divide(a:Vector, b:Vector): Vector- Returns the component-wise division of these vectors

    • Added static function multiply(a:Vector, b:number): Vector- Returns the product of this vector and a scalar

    • Added static function divide(a:Vector, b:number): Vector- Returns the division of this vector and a scalar

    • Added static function min(a:Vector, b:Vector): Vector- Returns a vector that is made from the smallest components of two vectors.

    • Added static function max(a:Vector, b:Vector): Vector- Returns a vector that is made from the largest components of two vectors

  • EntityItemComponent
    • Added component _EntityItemComponent_that can be used to obtain an ItemStack from an item entity – e.g., _getComponent(“item”).itemStack


  • BlockInventoryComponent
    • Fixed accessing items in a double chest crashing/being inconsistent

  • Exposed the following components for Entities:
    • minecraft:can_climb
    • minecraft:can_fly
    • minecraft:can_power_jump
    • minecraft:fire_immune
    • minecraft:floats_in_liquid
    • minecraft:is_dyable
    • minecraft:is_baby
    • minecraft:is_charged
    • minecraft:is_chested
    • minecraft:is_hidden_when_invisible
    • minecraft:is_ignited
    • minecraft:is_illager_captain
    • minecraft:is_saddled
    • minecraft:is_shaking
    • minecraft:is_sheared
    • minecraft:is_stackable
    • minecraft:is_stunned
    • minecraft:is_tamed
    • minecraft:wants_jockey
    • minecraft:variant
    • minecraft:skin_id
    • minecraft:mark_variant
    • minecraft:friction_modifier
    • minecraft:ground_offset
    • minecraft:scale
    • minecraft:push_through

mojang-gametest module:

  • Removed _radius_argument from command /gametest clearall
  • Modified the behavior of function _attack()_to make the simulated player swing even when no target is found