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Minecraft - 1.19.30 (Bedrock)

Updated Add-On Template Packs

  • Updated Add-On templates for 1.19.30 with new resources, behaviors, and documentation, are available to download at

Copy Coordinates

  • Added keyboard shortcuts that allow players to copy either their current coordinates or the coordinates of a block
    • Control + Alt + C is the default for copying current coordinates
    • Control + Alt + X is the default for copying coordinates of selected block
    • Needs the "Enable Copy Coordinate UI" enabled in Creator settings


  • Numerical actor properties (float and integer) will now always clamp their values into the range of values specified
  • minecraft:instant_despawn no longer affects players
  • Command selector now gets the same position for the player that the command origin player position gets
  • Fixed a bug where the text-to-speech feature would read the entire "My Content" page, both highlighted and non-highlighted items
  • Non-Parrot mobs on a player's shoulder will now adjust their position when the player crouches (MCPE-153996)
  • Enables creators to add geometry up to 0.875 units outside of the regular block unit cube on any one side
  • Fixed a bug where some custom items (from Creator Features packs), after being used, were duplicated upon player's death (MCPE-128897)
  • Added server property ‘disable-custom-skins’ to block untrusted skins on a server wide level
  • Text to Speech no longer ignores the volume setting on startup
  • Clarified the documentation for equipment_count to indicate it only counts equipped armor, and how to query for held items (MCPE-136134)
  • Limit which queries can be used in Actor Property-related Molang expressions. Property defaults can only use query.had_component_group and set_property can only use property and query.has_property
  • BlockDisplayNameComponent will no longer append 'tile.' and '.name' to given display names and in turn, will display their given raw strings if no appropriate localization can be found


  • Added a paste button to the Command Block screen

  • Added a waterlog field to the /structure command and the load tab of Structure Blocks to allow players to properly waterlog a structure when it's being placed under water

  • The "/execute at" command now properly executes filters from the specified 'at' position (MCPE-156283)

  • The "/execute if block" command now displays integer values for block positions (MCPE-156285)

  • Fixed a bug where a "%" was prepended to player names in the chat output of "/scoreboard players reset" (MCPE-151389)

  • Attempting to kill a player in Creative Mode using the "/kill" command now displays a message informing the player that it cannot be done (MCPE-16732)

GameTest Framework

  • Fixed a bug where function length would return undefined
  • Added function lengthSquared - Returns the squared length of the vector
  • Added stackOverflow as a possible WatchdogTerminateReason for the beforeWatchdogTerminate event
  • IRawMessage - Interface object representing a message
  • rawtext : (string | IRawMessage)[] - (optional) A list of text objects used to build a message
  • text : string - (optional) A string containing plain text to display directly. Only valid when used as a sub member in a parent rawtext or with member
  • translate : string - (optional) String representing a translation identifier to translate text in the player's selected language
  • with : (string | IRawMessage)[] - (optional) A list of text object arguments used to fill values in the translate text. Ignored when translate is not present
  • say(string | IRawMessage) - Used to broadcast a message to all players
  • tell(string | IRawMessage) - Send a message to a player
  • Fixed a bug where Dynamic Properties would not persist when using worlds hosted on Bedrock Dedicated Server or Realms
  • Pack dependencies on native modules can be declared using the module name without the need to specify a UUID, using the “module_name” attribute. The module name matches the import statement (e.g., “mojang-minecraft”)
  • Removed mojang-gametest module version 0.1.0; packs using "mojang-gametest" specific APIs must be updated to use GameTest version 1.0.0-beta
  • The "mojang-gametest" module 1.0.0-beta requires "mojang-minecraft" module 1.0.0-beta
  • Removed usage of minecraft:unwalkable block component and added block creative group and category to the block description
  • setVelocity will now throw an exception when called on player types
  • Renamed class Items to ItemTypes
  • Add a content error when default or set_property expressions include side-effects, such as Molang variable assignment
  • Commands
    • Added new sub-command /script watchdog exportstats - Exports a file containing memory usage and object handle statistics
    • Can now switch hotbar slots while targeting a block while in a Boat (MCPE-156814)
    • The '/execute at' and '/execute as' commands will now execute at the correct relative rotation (MCPE-156277)
    • '/execute at @e run kill @e' no longer crashes the game when there are items on the ground
    • Added chat output when entities are skipped by "/ride summon_ride no_ride_change" (MCPE-129486)
    • Added function getAll(): ItemTypeIterator - Returns an iterator of all available item types
  • Memory Watchdog
    • script-watchdog-memory-warning - Produces a content log warning when the combined memory usage exceeds the given threshold (in megabytes). Setting this value to 0 disables the warning. (default = 100)
    • script-watchdog-memory-limit - Saves and shuts down the world when the combined memory usage exceeds the given threshold (in megabytes). Setting this value to 0 disables the limit. (default = 250)
    • Increased slow code warning threshold from 2 ms to 6 ms