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Minecraft - 1.19.50 (Bedrock)

Updated Add-On Template Packs

  • Updated Add-On templates for19.50 with new resources, behaviors, and documentation are available to download at

Structure Block Import

  • Structure Blocks can now import structures from ‘.mcstructure’ files on Windows


  • Actor (Entity) Properties are no longer experimental (This includes Molang queries and property filters, but not Permutations)
  • Fixed a crash that would occur if the texture_index of a spawn egg was out of bounds. Now a content log error will be presented instead
  • Min/Max distance values in sound events now only affect the sound event and not all events using the same sound (MCPE-154376)
  • Added client-side-chunk-generation-enabled toggle to
  • Fixed an issue where changing the subpack of Resource Packs that have subpacks would not apply changes until the game was restarted (MCPE-162002)
  • Recipes that have the same inputs but have different outputs will now display content errors (excludes Crafting Table and Stonecutter recipes)

New ‘/execute’ Command Syntax

  • Removed the Upcoming Creator Features requirement for the new execute command syntax
  • Version 1.19.50 is now required to run the new command syntax
  • Creators currently using the new execute command syntax in command blocks will have to go modify those command blocks in order to update those commands
  • Creators currently using the new execute command in behavior packs will need to change the min engine version to 1.19.50
  • The previous execute command syntax can still be used by using version 1.19.40 or less


  • Using the '/enchant' command to apply the same level of enchantment no longer results in a higher level being applied (MCPE-153204)
  • Fixed an issue where hasItem wouldn't correctly detect an item with a data value if hasItem wasn't provided a data value (MCPE-162460)
  • Running '/execute as' from Command Blocks no longer inherits rotation from entity (MCPE-162680)
  • Fixed a bug where Chain Command Blocks would not activate when Delay in Ticks was greater than 0
  • Running ‘/execute align xyz entity’ now produces a command error instead of crashing (MCPE-162733)

Data-Driven Blocks

  • Released BlockCollisionBoxComponent outside of experimental toggle in JSON formats 1.19.50 and higher
  • Released BlockCraftingTableComponent outside of experimental toggle in JSON formats 1.19.50 and higher
  • The Crafting Table UI now updates when a block changes to a permutation with a different “minecraft:crafting_table” block component
  • Removed the functionality of the “minecraft:breathability” block component. Component will have no effect on the custom defined block

Data-Driven Items

  • Blocks using the "minecraft:placement_filter" component now produce particles, sounds and vibrations events when they are removed due to their placement condition failing


  • "input_ground_controlled" no longer implies increased auto step when controlled by player. The "variable_max_auto_step" component can be used instead. To have consistency with previous versions, use "base_value": 1.0625 and "jump_prevented_value": 0.5625


  • Added server property 'enable-lan-visibility' to disable the explicit LAN discovery by clients. This will prevent unexpected port conflicts when running multiple dedicated servers on a single host. Clarified port use in server logs and made error messaging more clear (BDS-1094)

AI Goals

  • Exposed new data parameters for the "minecraft:offer_flower" AI behaviour to specify such things as the time that the mob offers the flower for, the chance that the goal will start, and the dimensions of the AABB used to search for a mob to offer a flower to
  • The "minecraft:offer_flower" AI behavior can now be used by any mob, not just the Iron Golem
  • The "minecraft:offer_flower" AI behavior will now search through all mobs in the specified range rather than just the closest one, meaning that this goal has the potential to be used more consistently than before
  • Exposed new data parameters for the "minecraft:take_flower" AI behavior to specify such things as the conditions to be met to start the goal, the min and max wait times before taking the flower, and the dimensions of the AABB used to search for a mob to take a flower from
  • The "minecraft:take_flower" AI behavior can now be used by any mob, not just baby Villagers


  • Fixed has_property to return 1 when a property exists and 0 when not, rather than the opposite of that

Scripting, APIs, and GameTest Framework (Experimental)

  • Fixed velocity property not returning correct values in certain situations (MCPE-152715)
  • Added function canPlace - Returns if it is valid to place the desired block type or block permutation at a specified location (and optional face of the block)
  • Added function trySetPermutation - Attempts to place the desired block permutation at a location by first checking canPlace
  • Entity
    • Removed function runCommand. Consider runCommandAsync as an alternative
  • Dimension
    • Removed function runCommand. Consider runCommandAsync as an alternative
  • Converted BlockRaycastOptions to an interface
  • Converted EntityEventOptions to an interface
  • Converted ScoreboardObjectiveDisplayOptions to an interface
    • Location type updated to IVec3
  • Vector
    • add - updated _a_and b arguments to accept an IVec3 interface type
    • cross - updated _a_and b arguments to accept an IVec3 interface type
    • distance - updated _a_and b arguments to accept an IVec3 interface type
    • divide - updated _a_argument to accept an IVec3 interface type
    • lerp - updated _a_and b arguments to accept an IVec3 interface type
    • max - updated _a_and b arguments to accept an IVec3 interface type
    • min - updated _a_and b arguments to accept an IVec3 interface type
    • multiply - updated _a_argument to accept an IVec3 interface type
    • slerp - updated _a_and b arguments to accept an IVec3 interface type
    • subtract - updated _a_and b arguments to accept an IVec3 interface type

Script API

  • Initial APIs are releasing out of beta and will be usable without an experimental flag
  • The first module to release is @minecraft/server as version 1.0.0. The APIs included with this are listed below:
    • Non-beta APIs like those included in the _@minecraft/server_0.0 module do not require the Beta APIs experiment to be turned on, and will be more stable over time
    • This initial API set is narrow, but we intend to add more APIs into non-beta modules over the coming months
  • @minecraft/server will continue to develop in Beta and those Beta APIs have been incremented in version to 1.1.0-beta; if you wish to continue to use Beta @minecraft/server APIs, manifest.json references will need to be updated to 1.1.0-beta
  • APIs included in the @minecraft/server version 1.0.0 release:
    • System type (Exposed via systemglobal instance)
      • run() - runs a function on the next tick (can be used to maintain a game loop tick over tick)
    • World type (exposed via worldglobal instance)
      • getDimension()
      • getAllPlayers()
    • MinecraftDimensionTypes type
      • nether
      • overworld
      • theEnd
    • Dimension type
      • id
      • runCommandAsync()
    • CommandResult type
      • commandResult
    • Entity type
      • id
      • typeId
      • dimension
      • runCommandAsync()
    • Player type
      • name