Minecraft Beta & Preview -
- 技术更新
- 完整日志
- Removed MinecraftItemTypes from @minecraft/server and replaced with version from @minecraft/vanilla-data
Add-Ons and Script Engine
- Added Script Binding functions to get/set the _CompoundBlockVolume_origin
- Added additional params to some methods to query the children of _CompoundBlockVolume_for their positional relativity to the parent
- Added additional params to some methods to freeze positional relativty when origin changes are submitted
- Big Dripleaf blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3]
- Small Dripleaf blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3]
- Pink Petals blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3]
- End Portal Frame blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3]
- Lectern blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3]
- Anvil blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3]
- Campfire blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3]
- Soul Campfire blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3]
- Calibrated Sculk Sensor blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3]
- Powered Comparator blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3]
- Unpowered Comparator blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3]
- Powered Repeater blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3]
- Unpowered Repeater blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3]
- BlastFurnace blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "facing_direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
- Furnace blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "facing_direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
- LitBlastFurnace blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "facing_direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
- LitFurnace blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "facing_direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
- LitSmoker blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "facing_direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
- Smoker blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "facing_direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
AI Goals
- "cooldown" field for target descriptors now properly work in "minecraft:behavior.nearest_prioritized_attackable_target" goal
The Editor and its corresponding API are in early development, and available for keyboard/mouse on Windows PC Bedrock Preview builds. Tag us on social channels with #BedrockEditor.
Learn how to use the Editor, join the GitHub Discussion discussion forum to engage with the team, and get started building extensions via the starter kit and samples.
Fixes this week:
- Fixed a bug where the position of the selection cursor was not being recalculated upon block updates
- Vec3 component minimum limit will now default to Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
- Player count added to status bar
- Editor API updates - documentation to follow:
- Fixed bugs caused by CompoundBlockVolume relativity
- Normalize the use of CompoundBlockVolume instead of Selection
- Updated CompoundBlockVolume to maintain internal volume list as relative
- Converted CompoundBlockVolume to be a list of relative volumes to an origin.
- Added a CompoundBlockVolumeRelativeType to signal volume push operations as relative or absolute
- Added set/get Origin functions and a translate function
- Released the "minecraft:enchantable" item component out of experimental in json formats 1.20.30 and higher
- Deprecated "minecraft:mining_speed" in json formats 1.20.30 and higher. Use "minecraft:digger" instead to achieve the same functionality
- Entity names beginning with a number will now result in a content error
Item Frames
- The correct broken state of the Elytra is rendered in Item Frames (MCPE-19700)
Script API
- Converting the _CompoundBlockVolume_container to use relative coordinates to an internal origin
- Normalize the use of _CompoundBlockVolume_instead of Selection across Editor API
User Interface
- Fixed localization of 'Detected lost connection' connection is lost from other player or server (MCPE-173028)
Render Dragon Features for Creators
Introducing new experimental cross-platform graphics features for creators. We are making these available early as a technical preview to get feedback as we develop. Performance and visual fidelity will improve over time.
Features included in this first technical preview include:
- PBR materials – blocks and entities
- Primary lighting
- Shadows (sun & moon)
- Bloom
- Tone mapping
- Atmospheric Scattering
For now, these features are available in Preview/Beta on:
- Windows PC
- Xbox
- Android
For more information and guides on how to get started using these features, check out our post here: aka.ms/deferredPreview
Script API
- Fixed a bug where setLore would incorrectly calculate the length of lore strings containing multi-byte characters (MCPE-173189)
- Added function remove- Removes the Entity. This cannot be called on Players but can be used on SimulatedPlayers in Gametest.
- MolangVariableMap
- Added setFloat function
- Changed return type of setColorRBG, setColorRGBA, setSpeedAndDirection, and setVector3 to void
- Changed the MolangVariableMap property on spawnParticle to be optional: spawnParticle(effectName: string, location: Vector3, molangVariables?: MolangVariableMap): void
- Renamed _Color_interface to RGBA
- Added interface RGB
- Custom blocks will now only transmit Redstone power if they are a unit cube and all materials are opaque (MCPE-168998)