
Minecraft Beta & Preview -

Script API

  • Changed scoreboardIdentity to be valid even after the entity has been killed 


  • Fixed an issue where content errors for items at the latest format version would appear for other items 


  • Exposed new data parameter "can_spread_on_fire" for the "minecraft:behavior.melee_attack" component to specify if the mob should set its target on fire when attacking if the attacking mob is on fire (MCPE-77746


Script API

  • World Events
    • Renamed BlockBreakAfterEvent to PlayerBreakBlockAfterEvent
      • Added readonly itemStackAfterBreak?: ItemStack (undefined if empty hand)
      • Added readonly itemStackBeforeBreak?: ItemStack (undefined if empty hand)
    • Renamed BlockBreakAfterEventSignal to PlayerBreakBlockAfterEventSignal
      • subscribe function now takes options?: BlockEventOptions
    • Added PlayerBreakBlockBeforeEvent with the following members
      • cancel: boolean, cancels event from happening
      • itemStack?: ItemStack, the item stack in use by the player (undefined if empty hand)
      • readonly player: Player, the player breaking the block
    • Added PlayerBreakBlockBeforeEventSignal
    • Renamed BlockPlaceAfterEvent to PlayerPlaceBlockAfterEvent
    • Renamed BlockPlaceAfterEventSignal to PlayerPlaceBlockAfterEventSignal
      • subscribe function now takes options?: BlockEventOptions
    • Added PlayerPlaceBlockBeforeEvent with the following members
      • cancel: boolean, cancels event from happening
      • readonly face: Direction, the face the block is being placed on
      • readonly faceLocation: Vector3, the location on the face the block was placed on
      • itemStack: ItemStack, the item stack being used to place the block
      • readonly player: Player, the player placing the block
    • Added PlayerPlaceBlockBeforeEventSignal
    • Modified WorldAfterEvents
      • Renamed blockBreak to playerBreakBlock
      • Renamed blockPlace to playerPlaceBlock
    • Modified WorldBeforeEvents
      • Added playerBreakBlock
      • Added playerPlaceBlock
    • Added BlockEventOptions with the following members
      • blockTypes?: string[], names of blocks to be filtered against
      • permutations?: BlockPermutation[], specific block permutations to be filtered against
    • Added class EntityLoadAfterEvent
      • New field entity: Entity
      • Added class EntityLoadAfterEventSignal
    • Class EntitySpawnAfterEvent
      • Added property readonly cause: EntityInitializationCause_
    • Class WorldAfterEvents
      • Added property readonly entityLoad: EntityLoadAfterEventSignal
    • Added enum EntityInitializationCause


  • Disabling Beautiful Skies or Smooth Lighting no longer affects visuals while using Deferred or Ray Tracing in the Deferred Technical Preview
  • Moved Smooth Lighting and Beautiful Skies buttons to only appear in the Simple and Fancy graphics menus in the Deferred Technical Preview
  • Bloom option removed from Simple, Fancy, and Ray Tracing menus in the Deferred Technical Preview