
Minecraft Beta & Preview -


The Editor and its corresponding API are in early development, and available for keyboard/mouse on Windows PC Bedrock Preview builds. Tag us on social channels withed #BedrockEditor.

Learn how to use the Editor, join the GitHub Discussion discussion forum to engage with the team, and get started building extensions via the starter kit and samples.

Fixes this week:

  • Minor updates to the Reload button to Tool mode for reloading scripts and refreshing the UI
  • IPropertyPane
    • Added property collapsed to check if the pane is expanded or collapsed
    • Added functions collapse and expand to control collapsed state


  • Released the "minecraft:food" item component out of experimental in json formats 1.20.30 and higher 
  • Added "minecraft:interact_button" item component to enable and set text on the interact button in json formats 1.20.30 and above 


Script API

  • Fixed issue where prototype properties are not possible to redefine using defineProperty (MCPE-174073
  • ItemStack
    • Added getCanPlaceOn() and getCanDestroy()
    • Added upper maximum limit of 255 to amount property - will throw if exceeds
  • Entity
    • Added function getProperty(identifier: string): boolean | number | string | undefined- Gets an Entity Property
    • Added function setProperty(identifier: string, value: boolean | number | string): void- Sets an Entity Property during the next tick
    • Added function resetProperty(identifier: string): boolean | number | string;- Resets an Entity Property to its default value during the next tick and returns the default value
  • beforeEvents
    • Added event/property removeEvent
  • afterEvents
    • Renamed event/property removedEvent to removeEvent
  • Class EntityRemovedAfterEvent
    • Renamed field removedEntity to removedEntityIdremovedEntityId: string
    • Added field typeId: string
  • Added class EntityRemovedBeforeEvent
    • Added field removedEntity: Entity
  • Moved EquipmentSlot to 5.0 and changed enum values to uppercase
  • Moved EntityEquippableComponent to 5.0
  • Scoreboard
    • setObjectiveAtDisplaySlot return type now correctly set to ScoreboardObjective or undefined
  • ScoreboardIdentity
    • getEntity return type now correctly set to Entity or undefined
  • setWeather API can now take an optional duration parameter to set the weather duration
  • Added read-only property heightRange: NumberRange- Gets min/max dimension height limits.
  • Adding Player.isSleeping and Player.isEmoting 


  • Fixed lighting of items in hand in the Deferred Technical Preview 
  • Optimization and fixes for point light contributions