Minecraft Beta & Preview -
- 技术更新
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Posted: 8 May 2024
Information on Minecraft Preview and Beta:
- These work-in-progress versions can be unstable and may not be representative of final version quality
- Minecraft Preview is available on Xbox, PlayStation 4, Windows 10/11, and iOS devices. More information can be found at aka.ms/PreviewFAQ
- The beta is available on Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see aka.ms/JoinMCBeta for detailed instructions
It's time for a Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Beta and Preview update! As always, we want to hear your thoughts about how the Tricky Trials update is shaping up, so leave us any suggestions you have at feedback.minecraft.net, and please report any bugs you find to bugs.mojang.com!
Features and Bug Fixes
Stability and Performance
- Fixed not being able to load into worlds with some texture packs (MCPE-180918)
Trial Spawner
- Mobs removed by Trial Spawner converting to Ominous state now drop the items that they previously picked up from the ground
- Trial Spawners that are configured to spawn baby Zombies now spawn them correctly
Petrified Oak Slab
- The oak-slab-looking variation of "stone_block_slab" (aux value 2) is now flattened into its own new block "minecraft:petrified_oak_slab" which will behave like other stone slabs, eg. cannot be destroyed by fire, but will look like an ordinary oak slab. "minecraft:petrified_oak_slab" can only be obtained through commands (MCPE-180964)
- Please note; this fix will not revert slabs which have already been converted in the recent Preview
- Fixed an issue that could cause missing textures when placing Paintings in some Marketplace worlds. Painting motifs from a version above the current session's will not be selected when placing a Painting
Updated ‘Servers Tab’ Experience
- We're glad to include the Message of the Day (MOTD) below each of the available servers!
- Please send us your feedback on this feature at https://aka.ms/ServersTabFeedback